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Database Administration
Reference : Database Startup Parameters : Alphabetical listing of database startup parameters : Lock Table Entries (-L)
Lock Table Entries (-L)
Operating system and syntax
UNIX / Windows
-L n
Use with
Maximum value
Minimum value
Single-user default
Multi-user default
System dependent1

1 Limited by available memory.

The number of entries in the record locking table. If you specify a value that is not a multiple of 32, the value you specify is rounded to the next highest multiple of 32.
Use Lock Table Entries (-L) to change the limits of the record locking table. Each record that is accessed and locked by a user takes one entry. This is true whether the record is accessed with SHARE-LOCK or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK. Increase the size of the lock table if the following message appears:
SYSTEM ERROR: Record lock table too small. Increase -L parameter.
This message might also indicate that a particular procedure should be restructured into smaller transactions or should be run in single-user rather than multi-user mode. When lock table limits are exceeded, check to make sure transactions are not too large before increasing the lock table size.
If a user process tries to acquire a lock and the lock table overflows, the user's program is aborted, but the server continues to operate. Any partial transactions are undone.
Note that two record locks are acquired when records are accessed with the BREAK BY option (in DO, FOR EACH, or REPEAT statements).
Each lock table entry takes 64 bytes.
Note: Validations using -L can be run online as part of routine health checks. For more information, see PROUTIL Utility.