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Database Administration
Protecting Your Data : Distributed Transaction Processing : Java Transaction API (JTA) support : JTA resource impact
JTA resource impact
Enabling the database as a JTA resource manager increases the consumption of the following database resources:
*After-image and before-image files — Additional notes support JTA transactions and table lock acquisition. AI and BI files must be increased at least 30 percent when JTA is enabled.
*Lock Table (-L) — JTA transactions may hold onto locks for a longer period of time than local transactions.
*Transaction Table — The number of rows in the transaction table is increased by the maximum number of JTA transactions. The maximum number is controlled by the -maxxids startup parameter.
*Xid Table — An additional table for storing JTA transaction information. The size of the table is determined by the maximum number of JTA transactions allowed, and is controlled by the -maxxids startup parameter.