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Database Administration
Maintaining and Monitoring Your Database : Dumping and Loading : Dumping database contents : Dumping table contents with PROUTIL
Dumping table contents with PROUTIL
PROUTIL DUMP allows you to perform a binary dump of data from an online or offline database. Online binary dumps can be multi-threaded; however, multi-threading requires an Enterprise database license. The records will be dumped in order according to an index. If you do not specify an index, the table's primary index is used. You must specify the index by its number. You can use the PROUTIL IDXANALYS utility to help determine the index number. For the complete syntax of the PROUTIL IDXANALYS utility, see PROUTILIDXANALYS qualifier.
Use the following syntax to perform an offline or single-threaded online binary dump:


proutil db-name -C dump [owner-name.]table-name directory [-index num]
In the syntax, db-name specifies the database from which you want to dump; owner-name specifies the owner of the table containing the data you want to dump; table-name specifies the name of the table containing the data you want to dump; directory specifies the name of the target directory where the data will be dumped; and -index num specifies an index to use to dump the table's contents.
Expand the PROUTIL DUMP syntax for a threaded online dump with the following options:
{[-thread n][-threadnum nthreads][-dumplist dumpfile]}
Where -thread 0 indicates a single-threaded dump, and -thread 1 indicates a multi-threaded dump; -threadnumnthreads specifies the maximum number of threads to create; and -dumplist dumpfile creates a list of the dump files generated. For complete description of the PROUTIL DUMP syntax, see PROUTILDUMP qualifier.
The number of threads created during a threaded dump is capped at the value specified by -threadnum. If you do not specify a value, the default maximum is the number of system CPUs. The actual number of threads created may be less than the maximum. PROUTIL DUMP determines the optimal number of threads to create based on the complexity of the index specified.
* Results of a binary dump with PROUTIL
* Format of a binary dump file