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Database Administration
Maintaining and Monitoring Your Database : Dumping and Loading : Dumping database contents : Dumping table contents with a Data tool
Dumping table contents with a Data tool
When you dump table data using the Data Administration or Data Dictionary tools, the Data tool creates a text contents file that contains data from each table you specify. This file has a .d extension. The Data tool uses the contents file to load data into the database. The Data tool creates a separate contents file for every table you dump.
To dump table contents:
1. Access the appropriate Data tool (Data Administration tool if you are using a graphical interface or the Data Dictionary if you are using a character interface).
2. Make sure you are using the database (the source) where you want to dump the table data.
3. Choose Admin > Dump Data and Definitions > Table Contents (.d files). The Data tool lists all the tables defined for the database alphabetically.
4. Mark the table contents you want to copy. You can mark tables with asterisks (*), then use the Select Some and Deselect Some buttons to select or deselect groups of tables. If you are using a character interface, use F5 and F6.
When you dump a single table, the Data tool displays a default name for the file that you can dump the table contents into (hidden tables are not dumped). This default file is always the dump name of the table definition file, with a .d extension. If you want to specify a file other than the default file, type the name in the Output file: field.
When you dump table contents for more than one table, the Data tool prompts you for a directory name in the Output Directory field. If you do not specify a directory, the Data tool dumps the table contents files into the current directory. The Data tool names each contents file with its corresponding table name.
Accept the default or enter a different name.
5. If your database contains LOBs you want dumped, check the Include LOB: check box.
6. If you checked the Include LOB: check box, specify the location of the LOBs in the LOB Directory: field.
7. If you want to use character mapping, enter the character mapping, then choose OK. See OpenEdge Development: Internationalizing Applications for information about character mapping, PROTERMCAP, and national language support.
The Data tool displays each table name as it writes the contents to the table contents file. After dumping the contents, the tool displays a status message and prompts you to continue.
8. Choose OK to return to the Data Administration or Data Dictionary main window.
Note: You must dump the sequence values separately. See Dumping sequence values with a Data tool for more information.