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Database Administration
Reference : Other Database Administration Utilities : DBMAN utility

DBMAN utility

Starts, stops, or queries a database. Before you can use the DBMAN command-line utility, you must use OpenEdge Management or OpenEdge Explorer to create the database configuration and store it in the file.


dbman [ -host host-name -port port-number|service-name -user user-name]
       -database db-name [ -config config-name -start | -stop | -query ]


-database db-name
Specifies the name of the database you want to start. It must match the name of a database in the file.
-config config-name
Specifies the name of the configuration with which you want to start the database.
Starts the database db-name as defined by the configuration config-name.
Stops the database db-name.
Queries the Connection Manager for the status of the database db-name.
-host host-name
Identifies the host machine where the AdminServer is running. The default is the local host. If your AdminServer is running on a remote host, you must use the -host host-name parameter to identify the host where the remote AdminServer is running.
-port port-number|service-name
Identifies the port that the AdminServer is listening on. If your AdminServer is running on a remote host, you must use the -port port-number parameter to identify the port on which the remote AdminServer is listening. The default port number is 20931.
-user user-name
If your AdminServer is running on a remote host, you must use the -user user-name parameter to supply a valid user name for that host. You will be prompted for the password.


*When you specify a user name with the -user parameter, Windows supports three different formats:
*A user name as a simple text string, such as "mary," implies a local user whose user account is defined on the local server machine, which is the same machine that runs the AdminServer.
*A user name as an explicit local user name, in which the user account is defined on the same machine that runs the AdminServer, except the user name explicitly references the local machine domain, for example "\mary".
*A user name as a user account on a specific Windows domain. The general format is Domain\User, in which the User is a valid user account defined within the domain and the Domain is any valid Windows server, including the one where the AdminServer is running.
*Do not edit the file directly. Instead, use OpenEdge Management or OpenEdge Explorer. Consult the OpenEdge Management and OpenEdge Explorer documentation or online Help for instructions.
*DBMAN supports the use of internationalization startup parameters such as, -cpinternal codepage and -cpstream codepage. See DatabaseStartup Parameters for a description of each database-related internationalization startup parameter.
*The file stores the database, configuration, and server group properties. The following is an example of the file formatting of the file; the values are not recommended settings. Consult your OpenEdge Management and OpenEdge Explorer documentation for descriptions and details on each setting.

# The following are optional configuration properties and their default
# values. The legacy option, if applicable, is listed after the second
# comment. Property values set at this level become the default values
# for all configuration subgroups.
# afterimagebuffers=5 # -aibufs
# afterimageprocess=false # n/a
# afterimagestall=true # -aistall
# asynchronouspagewriters=1 # n/a
# beforeimagebufferedwrites=false # -r
# beforeimagebuffers=5 # -bibufs
# beforeimageclusterage=60 # -G
# beforeimagedelaywrites=3 # -Mf
# beforeimageprocess=true # n/a
# blocksindatabasebuffers=0 # -B (calculated as 8*(-n))
# casetablename=basic # -cpcase
# collationtable=basic # -cpcoll
# conversionmap=convmap.cp # -convmap
# crashprotection=true # -i
# databasecodepage=basic # -cpdb
# directio=false # -directio
# hashtableentries=0 # -hash (calculated as (-B)/4)
# internalcodepage=iso8859-1 # -cpinternal
# locktableentries=10000 # -L
# logcharacterset=iso8859-1 # -cplog
# maxservers=4 # -Mn
# maxusers=20 # -n
# nap=1 # -nap
# napmax=250                      # -napmax
# pagewritermaxbuffers=25 # -pwwmax
# pagewriterqueuedelay=100 # -pwqdelay
# pagewriterqueuemin=1 # -pwqmin
# pagewriterscan=1 # -pwscan
# pagewriterscandelay=1 # -pwsdelay
# semaphoresets=1 # -semsets
# sharedmemoryoverflowsize=0 # -Mxs
# spinlockretries=0 # -spin
# sqlyearoffset=1950 # -yy
# watchdogprocess=true # n/a
# The following are optional database properties and their default values.
# Property values set at this level become the default values for all
# database subgroups.
# autostart=false # autostart the defaultconfiguration?
# databasename=demo # absolute or relative path + database name
# The following are optional server group properties and their default
# values. The legacy option, if applicable, is listed after the second
# comment. Property values set at this level become the default values
# for all servergroup subgroups.
# host=localhost # -H
# initialservers=0 # n/a
# maxclientsperserver=0 # -Ma (calculated value)
# maxdynamicport=5000 # -maxport (5000 for NT; 2000 for UNIX)
# messagebuffersize=350 # -Mm (4gl only)
# minclientsperserver=1 # -Mi
# mindynamicport=3000 # -minport (3000 for NT; 1025 for UNIX)
# networkclientsupport=true # false for self-service
# numberofservers=0 # -Mpb
# port=0 # -S ; Must be non-zero
# # when networkclientsupport=true
# prosqltrc=nnnnnnnnnnn # turn on various levels of SQL tracing
# reportinginterval=1 # -rpint (4gl only)
# serverexe=<4gl server location> # _mprosrv (4gl only)
# type=both # n/a



