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Database Administration
Reference : PROMON Utility : R&D Status Displays : Database
Displays general database status information.

PROMON Database Status display

The following shows a sample Database Status display.
09/15/16            Status: database

Database was started at:          09/15/16 9:17
It has been up for:               1:43:37
Database state:                   Open (1)
Database damaged flags:           None
Integrity flags:                  None
Most recent database open:        09/15/16 9:17
Previous database open:           09/15/16 9:17
Local cache file time stamp:      09/10/16 21:41
Database block size:              4029 bytes
Number of blocks allocated:       324 (1268 kb)
Empty blocks:                     20 (6%)
Free blocks:                      0 (0%)
RM Blocks with Free Space:        4 (1%)
Last transaction id:              172
Highest table number defined:     9
Database version number:          143
Shared memory version number:     13018
Database Restrict Mode: Disabled
The display shown above contains the following fields:
*Database state — The current operating mode of the database. The table below describes the possible database states.
Table 82. Database states
The database is open
Not modified since last open
The database is closed
The database is performing crash recovery
Index repair
The PROUTIL IDXBUILD utility is running to rebuild indexes
The database is being restored
*Database damaged flags — The state of the database. The table below lists the possible flags.
Table 83. Database damaged flags
Opened with -F
Crash recovery skipped; the database might be damaged
Crashed with -i
Crashed without integrity; the database is damaged
Crashed with -r
Crashed with buffered I/O; the database might be damaged
*Integrity flags — The integrity mode in which the database is running. The table below lists the possible flags.
Table 84. Integrity flags
Executing with -i
A crash in this state will damage the database
Executing with -r
A crash in this state might damage the database
*Most recent database open — The date and time when the broker for this database started.
*Previous database open — The date and time when the database previously started.
*Local cache file time stamp — The time stamp used to check the validity of the schema cache file. See the description of the Schema Cache File (-cache) parameter in DatabaseStartup Parameters for more information.
*Database block size — The database block size in bytes.
*Number of blocks allocated — The total number of blocks allocated to the database.
*RM Blocks with free space — The total number of blocks in the RM chain.
*Highest table number defined — The number of tables defined in the database.
*Database version number — Identifies the structures of all database-related data that is resident on disk. This number is used to match different executable versions with the correct database structures.
*Shared memory version number — Identifies the version of all data structures that are resident in shared memory and used by the database manager. This number is used to ensure that all executables accessing shared memory agree on what data is kept in shared memory and how that data is accessed. The shared-memory version number changes more frequently than the database version number.
*Database Restrict Mode — Identifies if the database is in a restricted access mode.