AdminServer Port
-adminport service-name port
Connects a server group and an AdminServer
SQL Server Java™ Classpath
-classpath pathname
Identifies the Java™ classpath to use when starting an SQL server
Enforce Mm
Specifies pre-11.6 behavior where -Mm values must agree for client and server
Host Name
-H host-name
Specifies a remote host
Maximum Clients Per Server
-Ma n
Specifies the maximum number of remote users per database server
Maximum Dynamic Server
-maxport n
Specifies the highest accessible port number in a specified range
Minimum Clients Per Server
-Mi n
Specifies the number of remote users on a server before a broker starts another server
Minimum Dynamic Server
-minport n
Specifies the lowest accessible port number in a specified range
Message Buffer Size
-Mm n n
Specifies the message buffer size for network client/server protocols
Maximum Servers
-Mn n
Specifies the maximum number of remote client servers that a broker can start
Servers Per Protocol
-Mp n
Specifies the maximum number of servers to serve remote users for a protocol
Maximum Servers Per Broker
-Mpb n
Specifies the maximum number of servers that multiple brokers can start to serve remote users for a protocol
Network Type
-N network-type
Identifies the network communications protocol
Pending Connection Time
-PendConnTime n
Specifies the amount of time a client has to connect to a server before the broker clears the client's reservation
Configuration Properties File
-properties filename
Identifies the properties file an AdminServer uses when starting a database server or server group
Service Name
-S service-name port-number
Specifies the service or port number to be used by a broker process
Server Group
-servergroup name
Identifies a logical collection of server processes to start
Century Year Offset
-yy n
Determines the start of the 100-year period in which a date with a two-digit year is valid