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Database Administration
Maintaining and Monitoring Your Database : Dumping and Loading : Dumping database contents : Contents file format
Contents file format
The following figure shows a sample contents file.
Figure 52. Sample contents file
The trailer information contains information about the source database and certain startup parameters specified for the session in which the contents file was created. Certain variables are included for informational purposes only; other variables are used to load the data correctly. If you edit the contents (.d) file or create one manually, be sure to specify these variables correctly.
The table below explains these variables. If the database uses the default values for these variables, these variables do not appear in the contents file.
Table 53. Contents file trailer variables
filename= table-name
Table name.
records= num-records1
Number of records contained in the file.
ldbname= logical-db-name
Logical database name of the source database.
time stamp= time stamp
Time stamp of the database.
num format=2 thousands-separator, fractional-separator
The numeric value of the character that represents the thousands-separator and fractional-separator identified in the code page. When you attempt to load the table contents file, the session and file must use the same numeric format. If not, OpenEdge reports a run-time error.
dateformat= date-format3
The date format used by the database contents.
map={MAP protermcap-entry | NO-MAP}4
The character mapping to support the MAP option on the INPUT FROM and OUTPUT TO statements. You can specify a mapping between a standard set of ASCII (7-bit) characters and extended (8-bit) characters in the PROTERMCAP file. TROTERMCAP entries are used to build a translation table for the stream.
MAP specifies an entry that has been defined in the PROTERMCAP file. If NO-MAP is specified, character translation is bypassed.
codepage= codepage
The code page used by the database. For more information, see OpenEdge Development: Internationalizing Applications.
Character count
The number of characters contained in the contents file, up to and including the period (.) that indicates the end of the contents; this number is always a ten-digit number with leading zeros, if necessary.

1 Information used when loading the file. If the value is specified in the trailer and is specified incorrectly, the data will not load.

2 Information used when loading the file. If the value is specified in the trailer and is specified incorrectly, the data will not load.

3 Information used when loading the file. If the value is specified in the trailer and is specified incorrectly, the data will not load.

4 Information used when loading the file. If the value is specified in the trailer and is specified incorrectly, the data will not load.