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Database Administration
Protecting Your Data : Failover Clusters : Platform-specific considerations : Adding nodes where the database can be run for AIX
Adding nodes where the database can be run for AIX
By default, the resource group is enabled to run ONLY on the current node, the node that was used to enable the database. You change the priority and the number of nodes the database can run on through the SMIT menu, using the smit hacmp fast path command. From this menu, choose Cluster Configuration > Cluster Resources > Define Resource Group > Change/Show a resource group. The Change/Show a resource group provides a menu where you can change node selection.
After adding the nodes to the resource group, ensure that the directory and its contents for the resource group are copied to the other nodes where the database is enabled to run. The directory of the resource group is located under /etc/cluster. The name of the directory will be the name of the resource group. The directory and its contents must be in the same location on all nodes.