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Database Administration
Reference : Virtual System Tables : Accessing VSTs with ABL or SQL

Accessing VSTs with ABL or SQL

You can write ABL or SQL to query the information contained in the Virtual System Tables. However, because of the leading underscore (_) in the table names, and field or column names, quotes must be used when writing SQL queries. The following ABL and SQL statements both determine the enabled features of a database from the _database-Feature VST:
Table 109. ABL query
FOR EACH _database-Feature:
     IF _DBFeature_Enabled = "1" THEN
     DISPLAY _DBFeature_Name.
Table 110. SQL query
"_DBFeature_name" FROM pub."_database-Feature"
     WHERE "_DBFeature_Enabled" = 1;
The result of running either query against the sports database is:
Large Keys
64 Bit Sequences
See the sections that follow for descriptions of the Virtual System Tables and their fields.