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Database Administration
Reference : PROMON Utility : PROMON utility

PROMON utility

Starts the monitor that displays database information.


promon db-name


Specifies the database you want to monitor.
When you enter the PROMON utility, the main menu appears, as shown in the following figure.
                    OpenEdge MONITOR Version 11

                    Database: /usr/wrk/sports2000

                    1. User Control
                    2. Locking and Waiting Statistics
                    3. Block Access
                    4. Record Locking Table
                    5. Activity
                    6. Shared Resources
                    7. Database Status
                    8. Shut Down Database
                    9. Currently Connected Tenants

                  R&D. Advanced Options
                    T. 2PC Transactions Control
                    L. Resolve 2PC Limbo Transactions
                    C. 2PC Coordinator Information

                    J. Resolve JTA Transactions

                    M. Modify Defaults
                    Q. Quit

                    Enter your selection:

PROMON utility main menu

The sections that follow describe each PROMON option.
If you choose options 1 to 4 or option T, the following menu appears:
                    1. Display all entries
                    2. Match a user number
                    3. Match a range of user numbers
4. Match a record id
                    5. Change list sorting        
                    6. Match a tenant or tenants
7. Match a partition or partitions
                    Q. Return to main menu

                    Enter your selection:
Note: The entire selection list does not always appear. Only the choices that are relevant to your first selection appear.
After the first screen of output from any option, press U to monitor the same parameters continuously. The default interval is eight seconds, but you can change it on the Modify Defaults screen (option M on the main menu).


*To collect output data, the monitor bars all users from shared memory for an instant and takes a snapshot of its contents. Therefore, do not use the monitor when system performance is being measured.
*Certain monitor output data is not generally useful, but it might be helpful when debugging unusual system problems.