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Database Administration
Maintaining and Monitoring Your Database : Multi-tenant database : Creating multi-tenant elements : ABL
The design of OpenEdge multi-tenant support enables ABL to automatically access tenant specific data without requiring the ABL programmer to syntactically specify the data they want to read or update by tenant. The user's tenancy is implicit in all ABL queries and data manipulation statements and the AVM will automatically confine the user's view of the data to the data segments for a particular tenant. This allows an existing application partner with few modifications to run their application in a multi-tenant database.
Multi-tenant ABL extensions have two main purposes:
*API for multi-tenant maintenance — ABL extensions that allow an ABL programmer to develop custom multi-tenant configuration tools.
*ABL enhancements to support multi-tenant features — enhancements that are focused on allowing super-tenant access.
For more information on the ABL API for multi-tenant maintenance, see the version of OpenEdge Development: Programming Interfaces on Progress Communities: