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Database Administration
Protecting Your Data : Auditing : Auditing impact on database utilities : Identifying the privileged user : _User table
_User table
If the _User table is established for the database, -userid username must be included to specify a privileged user to authenticate. The specified user, username, must be defined in the _User table and have the required role. The specified password, passwd, must be the password defined in _User table to match username. The password can be specified with the -password passwdqualifier or if omitted, the utility will prompt for the value. The value of passwd can be in clear text format or encrypted. For details on specifying an encrypted password, see Specifyingencrypted passwords.
If you have defined the user "Mike" in the _User table with a password of "guru" for the database auditexampledb, and assigned "Mike" the Audit Data Archiver role, then executing the protected PROUTIL AUDITARCHIVE utility for the database would use one of the following formats:
*Clear text password:
$ proutil auditexampledb -C auditarchive -userid Mike -password guru
*Prompt for password:
$ proutil auditexampledb -C auditarchive -userid Mike
OpenEdge Release 10.1A as of Sat Dec 17 09:56:25 EST 2005
password: ****
At the password prompt, the password "guru" must be typed before the AUDITARCHIVE runs.
*Encrypted password:
$ genpassword -password guru
$ proutil auditexampledb -C auditarchive -userid Mike
            -password oech1::37273d32
First, you must encrypt the password using genpassword. Then, when you run the AUDITARCHIVE utility (presumably at a later time), specify the encrypted password in the command.