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Troubleshooting Guide
BP Server and BPM Process Store : BPM Process Store log file error messages

BPM Process Store log file error messages

The following table lists the BPM Process Store error messages.

Error messages

Table 12. BPM Process Store log file Error Messages
Possible Cause(s)
BPM Process Store shut down on an unrecoverable exception.The actual unrecoverable exception is due to BPM Process Store stopping and is logged accordingly before this log message.
The event due to BPM Process Store stopping must be skipped accordingly before starting BPM Process Store to reprocess the events.
Possible cause of this error message is the duplicated event generated by BP Server. BPM Process Store ignores the ‘unique constraint exceptions’ and ‘Object already exists exceptions’ as ‘DuplicatedObjectExceptions’ to support BP Server recovery in which BP Server might generate duplicate events.Note: this is an informational message only if the cause of duplication is the BP Server recovery.
BPM Process Store Database connection disrupted.BPM Process Store attempts to get connection on itself with due sleep time for each retry.
Indicates that an error occurred while installing the process template because the process template was not created.
Make sure the process template was created.
Indicates that an error occurred while trying to connect to the database server.
Make sure the database server is up and running and that the JDBC driver is working.
Error occurred while trying to load configuration for BPM Process Store.
Make sure that the configuration directory is in your CLASSPATH and check your configuration files.
Indicates that unrecoverable exception occurred while processing the events. BPM Process Store stops proper cleanup and displays ‘BizStore_MSG_519’ indicating that BPM Process Store stops with an unrecoverable exception.