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Troubleshooting Guide
BP Server and BPM Process Store : BP Server log file error messages

BP Server log file error messages

The following table lists BP Sever error messages.

Error messages

Table 11. BP Server log file error messages
Possible cause(s)
The session object passed by the client is invalid. This may happen if the session has timed-out or BP Server has been re-started.
Connect to BP Server and get new session.
Possible file permission problem, file locking problem or space problem in the OEBPS_HOME\BPServer\ProcessTemplate directory.
Check the file permission of the specified process template file, and also available space in this directory.
Possible file permission problem, file locking problem or space problem in the OEBPS_HOME\BPServer\ProcessInstance directory.
Check the file permission of the specified process instance file, and also available space in this directory.
Verify the file permissions, and confirm the application name and XML file name are the same and are placed in the proper directory under OEBPS_HOME\ebmsapps.
Installing the specified ProcessTemplate failed because it was not created before.
Create the ProcessTemplate before installing it.
Verify the ProcessTemplate name and workstep names, and also check proper connections between the worksteps.
Verify in the BP Server log (bpserver.log) file whether the BP Server loaded all process instances and binded properly to the RMI registry. If there are a large number of process instances to be loaded, the BP Server will take some time to load all process instances before binding to the RMI registry for RMI connections.
All subprocess can be created only by its parent process.
Find its parent process and then remove the parent process which will remove all its subprocesses.
When JavaScript compilation fails, the BP Server retains any previous successfully compiled JavaScript for the workstep.
Verify the syntax and usage of Server-side JavaScript specified in worksteps. See Also: BizLogic_ERR_606, BizLogic_ERR_612
When JavaScript compilation failed, BP Server aborted the creation of Process Template.
Verify the syntax and usage of Server-side JavaScript specified in Worksteps. Look at the log file for exception messages and stack and fix the Server JavaScript code before trying to create and install the ProcessTemplate.See Also: BizLogic_ERR_605, BizLogic_ERR_612
The JavaScript code specified in OEBPS_HOME\BPServer\common.js will be compiled at the BP Server startup. However if the compilation of any of the JavaScript code failed, the BP Server startup will be aborted.
Look at the BP Server log (bpserver.log) file for exception messages and stack and fix the JavaScript problem before starting the server.See Also: BizLogic_ERR_605, BizLogic_ERR_606
The total size of process template data slots exceeds the maximum limit of the database record size.
Remove unnecessary data slots or make temporary data slots as private data slots.
If the BP Server cannot create a new database connection, it will not resume the BP Server and Database connections.
Verify the availability of target database and database permissions for the specified user (in
The BP Server is unable to write the event to the target database.
Verify the table space and space quota for the specified DB user and password. If the there is no space problem, verify the JDBC driver. BusinessManager is tested with thin driver for Oracle database.
Unable to establish the connection to the BPM CustomUI API servlets for document removal.
Check the web server parameter value oebps.web.url in oebps.conf and also verify the CLASSPATH of the BPM CustomUI API servlets in conf file of the servlet engine. Refer to the third party guides for other web server and servlet engine combinations.
Unable to establish the connection to the BPM CustomUI API servlets for document removal.
Check web server parameter value oebps.web.url in oebps.conf and verify the CLASSPATH of the BPM CustomUI API servlets in servlet engine's conf file.Refer to the third party guides for other web server and servlet engine combinations.See Also: BizLogic_ERR_1553, BizLogic_ERR_1554
Unable to establish the connection to the BPM CustomUI API servlets for document removal.
Check web server parameter value oebps.web.url in oebps.conf and also verify the CLASSPATH of the BPM CustomUI API servlets in servlet engine's conf file. Refer to third party guides for other web server and servlet engine combinations.See Also: BizLogic_ERR_1552, BizLogic_ERR_1554
Unable to establish the connection to the BPM CustomUI API servlets for document removal.
Check web server parameter value oebps.web.url in oebps.conf and verify the CLASSPATH of the BPM CustomUI API servlets in servlet engine's conf file. Refer to third party guides for other web server and servlet engine combinations.See Also: BizLogic_ERR_1552, BizLogic_ERR_1553
Check the oebps.web.url parameter value in oebps.conf, and verify the connections to the web server and servlet engine used with OEBPS. Also, verify the CLASSPATH of BPM CustomUI API servlets in servlet engine's conf file.
Check that the subprocess is created and installed, or the remote BP Server is up. Otherwise verify the dataslot values passed from parent process to subprocess for type matching, dataslot mapping and possible choice list values in subprocess.
JNDI look up failed.
Enter the correct JNDI home name.
Authentication failed.
Check that proper user id and password were entered in bpserver.conf
Initial context factory not found.
Check that the said class is in the classpath.
Invalid JNDI URL.
Check the URL used for look up.
The performer is not properly configured.
Refer to the documentation for specifying performer for EJB.
Initial context factory not found in bpserver.conf for the server.
Specify the proper key value pair as in the documentation.
Null or empty hash table is passed.
Check the performer string is properly classified.
No JNDI home name specified.
Specify a proper JNDI name in the performer string.