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Developing BPM Applications with Developer Studio
Introducing monitoring process : Introduction


A monitoring process offers complete insight into an existing process, which can be executing on packaged applications such as ERP, CRM, or legacy applications. As the monitoring process is executed and moves from one state to the next, Business Process Server can capture monitoring information: this provides an end-to-end visibility into the process for business users.
A monitoring process:
*Retrieves performer information along with other data from the event.
*Records the time stamp of the event as and when it occurs, rather than when the event is received by Business Process Server.
*Handles events that are received in a different sequence than the sequence of occurrence. For example, if A-B-C-D is the sequence in which events occur, they may be received in the sequence A-B-D-C. The monitoring process takes care of such anomalies.
A monitoring process must contain one user-defined CHARACTER dataslot, identified as External Instance ID (EIID). This dataslot can have null value and is used to identify each instance of the monitoring process. The value of EIID must be unique across all instances of the monitoring process. For example, for an “Order” process, the “Order ID” is unique across multiple orders and can be selected as the EIID.
* Supported events