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Developing BPM Applications with Developer Studio
Configuring and running simulation : Designing a simulation

Designing a simulation

To run a process simulation, you must first design a process template that illustrates the business process you want to simulate. The process template below shows an approval process that requires the reviewer to decide if the request meets specific critical criteria. If the performer of the Review Request workstep decides it is non-critical, it is sent by e-mail to a group at a remote location for submittal.
Figure 20. Opening a Process Template for Simulation
Each Activity workstep must be assigned a work time, or the Simulation will not execute. For the default scenario, the Review Request workstep assigned to any member from “MgrGroup” has an assigned work time of two hours; and the Submit Request workstep assigned to any member from the “ebmsgroup” has a work time of 50 minutes.
If any member from the MgrGroup decides the request is critical, it is sent to the Exec Approve workstep, where a senior executive (performer, “exec”) will approve or reject it. The approved requests are sent to the Submit Request2 workstep, where they are assigned to any member of group1. For the default scenario, the Exec Approve workstep has an assigned work time of 2 hours and the Submit Request2 workstep has a work time of 50 minutes. Each of the Adapter worksteps has an estimated duration of 10 minutes. The entire process has an estimated duration of 6 hours.
The probability settings for each pair of multiple outgoing connectors must total 100%, or the Simulation will not execute. For the default scenario, the IfCritical connector is assigned a 40% probability, the IfNotCritical connector has a 60% probability, the Submit connector is assigned a 70% probability, and the Reject connector has a 30% probability.
* Adding a process
* Simulation constraints