Rule Name
Rule Description
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New Rule
Provides a blank, generic set of rules that can be applied to a process or an Activity workstep.
Enables you to automatically schedule or defer actions that must be executed on or before a particular date or time. Can be applied only to a process.
Process Path
Enables you to specify the timeout value for a process path, that is, a set of worksteps within a process template. This is an expanded version of the Time-out rule, and can be applied to a process or an Activity workstep.
Provides a set of rules that is applied if a workstep has not finished by a specified time. Can only be applied to an Activity workstep.
Provides a set of rules that enables you to set specific workstep monitoring actions. Can be applied to a process or an Activity workstep.
Business Metric
Enables business managers who need to monitor a business process to define a process’s business metrics. Can only be applied to an Activity workstep.
Decision Counter
Enables you to keep track of the number of times a particular path out of a Decision gateway has been taken for a specific process. Can only be applied to a Decision gateway.
Task Management
Task Assignment
Provides a set of rules that enable you to define criteria that automatically assigns tasks. Can only be applied to an Activity workstep performed by ANY member of a group.
Process Control
Enables you to receive XML messages from external applications that trigger the execution of rules. Can only be applied to a process.
File Poller
Enables you to poll a file system for specific events or patterns, triggering a user-defined rule to process the system event. Can only be applied to a process.