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Server Administrator's Guide
Business Process Server web security : Configuring web security : XSRF configuration for web security

XSRF configuration for web security

This section explains XSRF related configuration for web security.

Enabling/Disabling XSRF feature

Using websecurity.xsrf.enabled parameter, you can enable the XSRF feature in the portal server. For that you have to set this parameter to true in bmwebsecurity.conf file. By default this functionality is not enabled.

Enabling/Disabling tracing for XSRF

Using websecurity.xsrf.trace parameter, you can enable the tracing for XSRF component. For that you have to set this parameter to true in bmwebsecurity.conf file. By default this functionality is not enabled and only the information messages are logged into bmwebsecurity.log file.

Setting up parameter

Value for this parameter is a comma separated list of hosts which are exposed to access the system. Not specifying this parameter or keeping it empty will disable corresponding RefXSRF filter.
Here are some recommendations to setup parameter.
*Specify localhost in the list recommended for development instances.
*Specify long and short notation (when base domain details omitted) for production systems.
For example, if BPM machine name is bpm, and the domain name is then the bpm, and entries should be specified.
* XSRF config handler configuration