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Server Administrator's Guide
Using the Archiver : Archiver client

Archiver client

You can invoke archiver as a command line utility using one of the following command script files from OEBPS_HOME\bin directory. In all these scripts, the option –config is mandatory, which is used to specify full path of the archiver XML configuration file.
Note that with all command line options, the archiving or purging of data happens immediately on invoking the command line scripts. No quartz jobs are scheduled for any command line requests.
The command line options for these scripts are described below.
[-config <arg>]
Use this option to specify archiver XML configuration file with its complete path. This is a mandatory option.
For example, -config c:/oebps/conf/archiverprocesspurge.xml
[-delete -ptname ]
For -delete option, it is mandatory to provide a Process Template name with -ptname option. If this option is specified, then the extracted data is deleted from database.
Also note that with -delete option, you cannot use the -idrange and -piidlist options. Also, with -delete, for -pistatus option valid values are PI_COMPLETED and PI_REMOVED.
[-databefore <int>d]
Use this option to specify the number of days. The data older than these many number of days is archived (and possibly deleted) and int is an integer number.
For example, -databefore 90d //to archive data older than 90 days.
[-idrange <arg>]
Use this option to specify the range of either process instance ids or event ids for archiving. This option specifies event-ids for archiveevents.cmd/sh utility and process-ids for archiveprocesswithevents.cmd/sh utility. It cannot be used along with -piidlist option.
For example, -idrange 200-250 //archives pis or events between Ids 200 and 250, both numbers inclusive.
[-piidlist <arg>]
Use this option to specify comma-separated values of Process Instance Ids for archiving. This option cannot be used along with -idrange option.
For example, -piidlist "130,145,189" //archives data of Process Instance Ids:130, 145 and 189.
[-pistatus <arg>]
Use this option to specify comma-separated values of process instance status. Valid status values are PI_ACTIVATED, PI_SUSPENDED, PI_COMPLETED, and PI_REMOVED. Note that if this option is not provided, then the default value is PI_COMPLETED or PI_REMOVED for -processonly and -processwithevents. If the option is -eventsonly then no value is considered by default.
But if -delete option is specified by the user, then for options -eventsonly, -processonly and -processwithevents the values supported are PI_COMPLETED and/or PI_REMOVED and if it is not provided then the default value considered is PI_COMPLETED and PI_REMOVED.
For example, -pistatus "PI_COMPLETED,PI_ACTIVATED" // archives complete and activated pis.
[-ptname <arg>]
Use this option to specify Process Template Name to archive data related only one particular process template.
For example, -ptname "Hiring" //archives all instance data of ‘Hiring’ process template.
Note: To archive large volume of data, and store it to the file system, you may need to adjust the maximum Heap memory in the command line scripts.
[-allpt <arg>]
Use this option to archive data for all process templates.
Note: The -allpt works with only -delete option. Apart from all mandatory options, if you specifiy either -allpt or -ptname with -delete, then the events get deleted as defined.