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Server Administrator's Guide
Using the AppPackager and AppDeployer Tools : About the AppPackager and AppDeployer Tools : Application metadata

Application metadata

You need to create the application metadata XML file containing details of all the Business Process Server applications that need to be packaged and published. The elements of this XML file are controlled by the ProcessPackage.dtd file, which is located in the OEBPS_HOME\conf\resources\common directory for Business Process Server installation.
The various tags are described below.
*<Application> — Defines the entire application package. The name attribute specifies the name to be given to the package zip and the location attribute specifies the location where the file is to be copied. The <Application> tag can contain one or more <Process> tags and zero or one <Resources> tag.
*<Process> — The <Application> tag has several processes, which are described using the <Process> tag. This tag can have zero or one <Resources> tag. It has the following four attributes:
*Name — This is a mandatory attribute and is used to specify the name of the process.
*Type — This is also a mandatory attribute used to specify the type of process (BP Server, BPM Events, or Web (formerly BPM Workflow)). The acceptable value for this attribute is ‘BP Server’, ‘BPM Events’, or ‘BPM Workflow.’
An application can be a BPM Events application if it has only rules to be published. If the application has a process template as well as rules to be published, then it is a BP Server application.
*Location — This optional attribute is used to specify the root directory of the application. If this attribute is not specified, then the default location considered is OEBPS_HOME\ebmsapps\{Application_Name} directory in case of BP Server application and OEBPS_HOME\BPMWebFlow\{Application_Name} directory in case of Web application
In case of OpenEdge Developer Studio, the default location would be Studio_HOME\workspace for both BP Server and Web applications, where Studio_HOME is the Progress Developer Studio for OpenEdge installation directory. The location can be an absolute path or a relative path to the application directory located on the computer where the appPackager tool runs. You can use the variables namely ${oebps.home} or ${sbm.webappdir}, to specify the Business Process Server installation location or the Business Process Server web application directory location.
These two variables are resolved with the values specified in the oebps.conf file.
*Operation — This mandatory attribute is used to specify the operation that needs to be performed when you publish the BP Server, Web and BPM Events applications. The acceptable value for this attribute is ‘Reinstall’, ‘Copy’, ‘RefreshPt’ or ‘InstallAsVersion’.
*The Reinstall value is used in a scenario where a new application needs to be installed, or the existing application needs to be reinstalled, or in case when a new version of the current application needs to be installed. The Copy value is used when the user wants to copy all the application-related files (including the process template) on the server. This operation is useful for applications, which are already installed. The RefreshPt value is used when the user just wants to reload the process template of the application. The InstallAsVersion value is used when you want to publish a versioned process template.
If you perform any of these operations on an application that is not installed, then the appDeployer tool installs the application before carrying out the operation.
*Inheritacl — This optional attribute is used to specify whether to retain any user permissions in the version of the application you are publishing that are associated with the parent application. The default value is ‘false.’
If you set the value of Inheritacl attribute to true, then the value of Operation attribute must be set to InstallAsVersion.
*ParentPt — If you set the values of Operation attribute to InstallAsVersion and Inheritacl attribute to true, then you must specify the name of the application as the value of ParentPt attribute for the versioned process template.
*<Resources> — This tag contains the <Resource> tag. A resource can be either a file or a directory. The <Resource> tag has the following three mandatory attributes:
*src — This attribute is used to specify the absolute or relative path to a resource. It must be a valid value on the computer where the appPackager tool runs.
*type — The acceptable value for this attribute is ‘file’ (for file resource) or ‘dir’ (for directory resource).
*target — This attribute is used to specify the valid directory (and path) to which the resource needs to be copied. The path can be an absolute path or a relative path to the directory on the computer where the appDeployer tool runs.
All resources (both process-specific and application-wide) are copied on the server before the applications are installed.
The target attribute must contain a directory, and not a file.
*You can use the ${oebps.home} or ${sbm.webappdir} variables in the 'src' or 'target' attributes to specify the Business Process Server installation location or the Business Process Server web application directory location.
These two variables are set to the values specified in the oebps.conf file on the computer where the appPackager and appDeployer tools are run.