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Business Process Portal User's Guide
Managing your Tasks : Understanding tasks : Assigned tasks

Assigned tasks

You can be assigned tasks in any one of the following ways. For more information, see the OpenEdge Getting Started: Developing BPM Applications with Developer Studio.
*Individual Static assignment
When your name is included as the performer of a task in the process template definition itself, the task is always assigned to you for any instance of the process. This is called as static assignment. The static assignment changes only when the process template is changed and re-installed.
*Individual Dynamic assignment
Dynamic assignment occurs when the dynamic value of a dataslot is used. In the process template definition, for performer of a task, the dataslot name preceded by the @ symbol is used to display the value of the designated dataslot at run time. For example, "@Creator" as the value for "Assignee" makes the creator of the instance as the Assignee.
Note: The dynamic assignment can change from instance to instance and can also reflect changes made at run time.
*Group–All assignment
In the process template definition, when a task is assigned to a group with the All option, it gets assigned to all the members of the group. If you belong to that group, then the task is assigned to you.
*Group–Any self-assignment
In the process template definition, when a task is assigned to a group with the Any option, it is available to all the members of the group. If you belong to the group, then it is available to you. You can then assign the task to yourself.
*Group–Any manager-assignment
In the process template definition, when a task is assigned to a group with the Any option, it is available to all the members of the group. If you belong to the group, then it is available to you. A group member (usually the Manager or Lead) with access to the Management module, can assign the task to you.
*Bulk Assignment
In the process template definition, a group member (usually the Manager or Lead) with access to the Management module, can bulk assign the tasks to you.
* Searching for assigned tasks