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Business Process Portal Administrator's Guide
Introducing the Administration module : Stopping all servers : Signed applets : Modifying the file
Modifying the file
Perform the following in java.policy file:
1. On each user machine, modify the file in the <JRE_Install>\lib\security directory and add the lines to point to the java policy file. For example:
2. This policy URL should be a static location pointing to a remote policy file as a source of java security policies.
3. This java policy file (in this case, applet.policy) should contain the lines to grant permissions to run Business Process Server applets. For example:
grant codeBase "http://<host_name>:<port_number>/sbm/bpmportal/applet/*" {
permission; };
4. In this case, if you change the Business Process Server location, then you must update the java policy file (in this case, applet.policy) only on the static server instead of every user machine.