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Progress OpenEdge Business Process Modeler: User's Guide
Introducing Managed Adapters : Understanding the Managed Adapter framework

Understanding the Managed Adapter framework

Progress Developer Studio for OpenEdge and Business Process Modeler provides a group of predefined Managed Adapters that you can use to exchange information between your business processes and other popular applications. A Managed Adapter is a translating module that converts the process-specific protocol to another application-specific protocol.
When a Managed Adapter is used in a workstep, the Application Developer can define complex mapping between your process dataslots and adapter inputs/outputs in an external application. At run time, when the given workstep is executed, the Managed Adapter uses a mapper to interpret the mapping and configuration information that was defined at design time. This run-time mapper sets the adapter inputs and configuration, and maps the outputs to the appropriate output dataslots after the adapter execution.
The Configuration and Mapping Framework enables you to carry out the configuration and dataslot mapping for each Managed Adapter. The framework offers:
*Improved, extendable mapping.
*Customizable GUI for adapter configuration and dataslot mapping.
*Ability to define complex mapping during process design.
The next section describes this framework. The subsequent section, Using the Adapter Configurator and Map Configurator, provides an example in using the framework to configure and map a managed adapter.
In this section: 
* Using the Adapter Configurator and Map Configurator