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Using dataslots : Creating user-defined dataslots : Defining the dataslot format : Presentation formats for the CHARACTER dataslot
Presentation formats for the CHARACTER dataslot
Business Process Modeler enables you to display a CHARACTER dataslot as a text box (single line of text), a text area (multiple lines of text), or a Combo box. In the case of Web applications, the CHARACTER dataslot has three additional formats, namely Radio button, Check box, and Label (read-only text). Each of these formats are described in the following bulleted list.
*Text Field format: Select this format and then do the following:
1. Enter data in the Size and Length box (only for Web applications) to define the dimensions of the dataslot as it appears in the interface.
2. Select the Password checkbox to present text entered in this field as asterisks, same as the way passwords are commonly displayed.
*Text Area format: Select this format and enter the width and height of the text area in the respective fields.
*Combo box format: Select this format and then do the following:
1. To add a new choice for the combo box, click Add to open the Choice dialog box.
2. Enter a Value and a Label in the Choice dialog box. A choice can only include alphanumeric characters and underscores (_).
3. Click OK to add the choice you created to the Choices table.
To modify an entry, select the choice in the Choices section and click Modify. To remove a choice, select the choice and click Remove. To change the order of choice entries, select the choice and click Move Up or Move Down.
*Radio button and Checkbox formats (only for Web application): The procedure for defining the options for these controls are same as those for defining Combo box.
*Label format (only for Web applications): You can enter only a label for the dataslot.
Changing the presentation format at the workstep level does not affect the presentation at the process level.