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Progress OpenEdge Business Process Modeler: User's Guide
Introducing Managed Adapters : OpenEdge Managed Adapter : OpenEdge Adapter features

OpenEdge Adapter features

The OpenEdge Adapter enables you to:
*Use OpenEdge procedures with other processes in a BPM Workflow.
*Interact with OpenEdge procedures using BIZOE (Progress Interface Definition Language) files.
*Assign procedure file parameters to dataslots.
You can customize the OpenEdge adapter workstep to:
*Connect and log on to the OpenEdge application server.
*Run an external procedure in a state-free application server.
*Execute a single-run for an external procedure in a state-managed or state-free application server.
*Define a dataslot with ABL-specific data type to support "null" value.
*Map dataslots (ABL-specific and native) with parameters of type, input, output, and input/output.
*Support a return value for an external (or internal) procedure and a user-defined function.