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Progress OpenEdge Business Process Modeler: User's Guide
Introducing Managed Adapters : Database Managed Adapter : Working with the Database Adapter : Configuring the Database Adapter : Defining input and output variables
Defining input and output variables
After successfully testing the Select statement, the Output Parameters tab is enabled to allow you to map values from ResultSet to output variables.
To define input and output variables:
1. Open the Input Parameters tab to display parameters embedded in the SQL statement, and the input variables to which they map.
Figure 85. Database Adapter Configurator - SQL Statement definition - Input Parameters tab
2. Click the Output Parameters tab to display the output parameters.
Figure 86. Database AdapterConfigurator - SQL Statement definition - Output Parameters tab
A database query may return one single row or multiple rows.
3. Select the option Expect Single Row if you expect one single row. Select the option Expect Columns as List if you expect a list of values that you map to a List variable. Select the option Expect Multiple Rows if you expect multiple rows.
For multiple rows, you can only map the whole ResultSet to an Object type output variable. The Object dataslot in your process must be of type, com.sun.rowset.CachedRowSetImpl. For information regarding creating an Object dataslot, see Chapter 12, "Using Dataslots" in OpenEdge Getting Started: Developing BPM Applications with Developer Studio. The CachedRowSetImpl object can be processed by a custom adapter, or can be displayed as a table as described in the Displaying multiple rows selection section.
For a single row, you can specify the output variable to which a column maps.
4. Click OK to complete the Database Adapter configuration.
To configure the installed Database Adapter, use the DBAdapter.cmd|.sh script and save the adapter configuration in the OEBPS_HOME\managedadapters\DB\DB1 directory with the name config.xml.