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Managed Adapters Guide
Corticon Managed Adapter : Working with Corticon Adapter

Working with Corticon Adapter

BPM users should work with both BPM and Corticon to use the features of the Corticon Adapter. BPM developers should export BPM Dataslots(Primitive/Prodataset/TempTable) to an intermediate format that can be used by Corticon. The Corticon developer imports this intermediate format, called BRVD(Business Rules Vocabulary Definition), into Corticon and generates the vocabulary and rules. The Corticon developer then deploys the rules onto the Corticon server.
For details on BRVD export, refer to the Exporting and Importing dataslots section in the OpenEdge ® Getting Started: Developing BPM Applications with Developer Studio.
* Configuring the Corticon Adapter
* Defining the Dataslot Mapping