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Managed Adapters Guide
Email Managed Adapter : Working with the Email Adapter : Configuring the Email Adapter : Using AdapterConfigurator to configure Email Adapter instances
Using AdapterConfigurator to configure Email Adapter instances
Once the Email Adapter is installed, you can configure a particular adapter instance using the AdapterConfigurator, a GUI-based component and specific to an adapter or a set of adapters. The configurator allows you to create an adapter configuration file in a standardized format common for all the Managed Adapters. The AdapterConfigurator can also be defined separately for each adapter instance, and each adapter can also have its own custom configurator.
You can start the AdapterConfigurator using the following command:
AdapterConfigurator adapterCategory adapterName
For the adapter configurator, you need to specify the adapter’s category and instance names. If the adapter has an adapter configurator defined in this framework, the configurator GUI will be opened. If the adapter has not been defined in this framework, the GUI will not appear. When the configuration is completed, the configurator saves the adapter configuration in the config.xml file in the maps directory within the adapter instance directory.