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Managed Adapters Guide
JMS Managed Adapter : Tutorial 4: JMS Adapter - Receiving messages from external applications

Tutorial 4: JMS Adapter - Receiving messages from external applications

This tutorial demonstrates how an external application can send messages to one of your business processes, without knowing about the process, receiving workstep, and other details.
In the following example, an Order Processing Application receives orders, and generates and sends JMS messages containing order data. The messages are received by a process containing the JMS Adapter.
Figure 17. Sample workflow for receiving messages from external applications
The Order Processing Application does not have knowledge about your process; it does not have to know the Process Instance name, nor the workstep receiving the message. It is expected, however, to generate the JMS message in a format supported by the JMS Adapter, and to use the OrderID as JMS message correlation ID. When the process is started, it is provided an OrderID (either manually by the user starting to process an order, or through an adapter) and Business Process Server will deliver the message to the JMS Adapter workstep.
* The Order Processing application
* Defining the process workflow for receiving messages from external applications
* Configuring the JMS Adapter to receive messages from external applications
* Defining mapping to receive messages from external applications
* Troubleshooting for receiving messages