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First Steps Guide
First Steps Console : Starting servers for JBoss

Starting servers for JBoss

To start Business Process Server for JBoss, you must first start the servers that are associated with your JBoss server.
Refer to Launching First Steps Console to launch JBoss First Steps Console and refer to PreparingBusiness Process Server repository to prepare repository. The First Steps Console for JBoss appears as in Figure 1
To start servers:
1. Click Start JBoss Servers in the First Steps Console.
Confirm Starting JBoss Servers message box appears.
2. Click OK.
The JBoss, EJB and Portal servers are started.
Note: By default, BP Server and BPM Events auto startup is enabled. Therefore, Business Process Servers are started automatically along with the application servers.
3. If BP Server and BPM Events auto startup is disabled, then click Start Business Process Servers.
Confirm Starting Business Process Servers message box appears.
4. Click OK.
The BP Server and BPM Events server are started.