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BPM Events User's Guide
Administering and operating BPM Events : The rule development cycle : Starting and operating the BPM Events server : Upgrading a dynamic application
Upgrading a dynamic application
To upgrade a currently running application with its current infopad state:
1. Update/Edit the rules in your application module - for example, M3 of application A1 - and recompile this module using the RuleCompiler or Rule Editor, so that a new *.bpo file is generated under ebmsapps\A1\rules.
2. Stop BPM Events server. Do this on the server host, using the BPM Events Admin tool (startBPMEventsAdmin, then select Server Monitor > Stop).
3. Replace the rule module in the backup image in database. The new rules are automatically reloaded by the recovery mechanism when the server is restarted. This replacement is done on the server host, using the following commands.

unload module
load module
4. Restart BPM Events. This can be done through the BPM Events Admin tool ("Server Monitor" menu, "Start" command). The server starts in recovery mode. It reloads the same internal state it had when shut down, except for the replaced rule module.