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BPM Events User's Guide
Understanding BPM Events : The XML event

The XML event

An xml event has two public attributes:
*A set of properties. The properties are set in a hashtable and can be any of the primitive type such as String, int, long.
*An XML body (xml). The xml is a string that contains the XML body of the message.
It also has internal BPM Events attributes such as type and date.
An example of an XML Event is shown in the following section:
    Origin: server1
    Destination: server2
    Description: Purchase Order based on po.xsd xml:
    <?xml version=\"1.0\"?>
        <shipTo type=\"USAddress\">
            <name>Helen Zoe</name>
            <street>47 Eden Street</street>
            <city>Santa Clara</city>
        <billTo type=\"USAddress\">
            <name>Robert Zoe</name>
            <street>47 Eden Street</street>
            <city>Santa Clara</city>
            <item partNum=\"833-AA\">
                <productName>Lapis necklace</productName>
                <comment>Want this for the holidays!</comment>
            <item partNum=\"423-AA\">
                <productName>Baby Sound Monitor</productName>
                <comment>Got twins!</comment>
* The XML schema definition
* Accessing XML body content
* Accessing message properties