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BPM Events User's Guide
Administering and operating BPM Events : The rule development cycle : RuleCompiler command options

RuleCompiler command options

The syntax and all options of the Rule Compiler and Rule Compiler Help follow:
%> RuleCompiler -help
RuleCompiler (-m app_name "::" module_name | -a app_name) (option)*
  option ::= force_option | -all | -warning | -no_warning | -help
  force_option ::= -f | -ff | -nf
                | -app_level | -all_level | -single_level
*[-f or -app_level] compile all referred modules in the same application
*[-ff or -all_level] compile all referred modules (default)
*[-nf or -single_level] compile specified module
*[-all] compile all modules under the application (applied only for -a)
*[-blapi_lib] import BP ServerAPI
*[-no_blapi_lib] do not import BP ServerAPI (default)
*[-warning] output warning (default)
*[-no_warning] do not output warning
*[-help] display help menu