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BPM Events User's Guide
The rule language : Rule modules and rule groups

Rule modules and rule groups

Rules are usually written for a particular application. If we are writing rules for the application "myApp", then there is a standard rule file, named "myApp_rules.txt", associated with this application. When installing the myApp application, Business Process Server automatically looks for this rule file, and loads its rules into BPM Events. (Actually, it looks for the compiled version of this file, which is another file in a special format, called "myApp_rules.bpo".). We also call this file the main rule module of the application myApp. Similarly, when loading the myApp application, BPM Events Admin looks for this rule file and loads its rules into BPM Events.
The rule module usually represents a set of rules that implement a logical unit of the application. The rules inside a rule module are grouped into rule groups. A rule group represents a subdivision in the module. It has no special semantics (this is not a name scope for rules, and there is no specific operation associated with groups). The group organization shows on the Rule Editor, allowing for a tree-like representation of modules.
* Rule modules of an application
* Rule groups
* Current rule base