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BPM Events User's Guide
Administering and operating BPM Events : The rule development cycle : Unloading rules : Points about unloading rules
Points about unloading rules
Note that any infopad created by a module (initialize{} section) should normally be discarded by the same module, by a discard statement in the finalize{} section:
{ discard(<infopad_name>); }
If not, then you must remove the corresponding infopad tables from the database, after proper archiving if needed, before reinstalling the same application. Otherwise, reloading (reinstalling) the application again overrides the previous infopad. Indeed, the initialize{} section of the rule module (which is always executed when loading the module), tries to create infopads that already exist in the database.
BPM Events Admin allows for unloading a particular module within an application. The module name given is always qualified by the application name: