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BPM Events User's Guide
Administering and operating BPM Events : BPM Events Admin: BPM Events administrator utility : JMS menu

JMS menu

The JMS menu enables you to manage JMS listeners and JMS maps.
============ JMS ============
0) Back
1) Add JMS Map
2) Remove JMS Map
3) Update JMS Map
4) Get the list of JMS Maps
Enter your selection (0 - 9):
*0) Back: Returns you to the main menu.
*1) Add JMS Map: Adds a JMS map for a specified message type. Locate the map file in the OEBPS_HOME\BPMEvents\jmsmaps folder. The type should be the same as the top level element of the XML body and starts with a capital letter. It should not contain any special characters like a dash (-). Every time a new message of that type is processed by BPM Events, the mapping file is used to extract the exposed properties from the JMS message.
*2) Remove JMS Map: Removes the JMS map for a specified message type.
*3) Update JMS Map: Updates the JMS map for a specified message type.
*4) Get the list of JMS Maps: Retrieves the list of mapping properties of each message type.