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BPM Events User's Guide
Persistent structures : Using persistent maps : Iterating over persistent map keys

Iterating over persistent map keys

The entries in a persistent map can be enumerated using the for each statement syntax.
foreach_statement() ::= 'foreach' ( iteratorDef() (',' iteratorDef())*)
            ['where' expr()] '{' statement()* '}'
iteratorDef() ::= <ID> [(':' | 'of') expr() ]
For example, the following persistent map is used for demonstrating iterations. The attributes of the keys are avg_resp_time, max_time, current_user which are of type float, integer and string respectively. UserCls is a persistent map.
fun printpmap(m: map<string, UserCls>){
    foreach e:m {
        val key = e.key;
        val value = e.value;
        pr("key: " + key + " :: value " + value);

Initializing attributes of a persistent map instance

You can initialize the values of an attribute as shown in the following example.
val ucls0 = new UserCls ("ucls0"){
    "user_key01" : UserObject {avg_resp_time: 4.4, max_time:
8, current_user: "John"},
    "user_key02" : UserObject {avg_resp_time: 5.6, max_time:
4, current_user: "Smith"}

Persistent map operations

This section explains various functions provided on persistent map.
To access a value associated with a particular key in the persistent map, get function is supported. The returned object is a part of the map. It does not create another object value. If this value is updated, then the map is also updated. For example,
To update or put a new value into the persistent map, the put function is supported. A runtime exception is raised when trying to assign a nil value to a persistent map. For example,
ucls0.put("user_key01", object{avg_resp_time: 4.4, max_time: 8, current_user: "John"});
To remove a key, value pair from the persistent map, the remove function is provided. A runtime exception is raised when accessing a key that has been removed. For example,
To check if a particular key is present in the persistent map or not, the containsKey function is provided. If the key is present, then it returns a Boolean value of true. If the key is not present, then it returns a Boolean value of false. For example,
To get the number of key, value pairs in a persistent map, the size function is provided. It returns an integer value. For example,
To check if a persistent map is empty, the isEmpty function is provided. The isEmpty function returns a Boolean value of true if there is no key, value pairs in the persistent map. If there is at least one key, value pair, then it return false. For example,