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BPM Events User's Guide
The rule language : Rule structure : Common variables, constants, and their scope : Infopad variables
Infopad variables
Infopad variables are automatically global to their module, even if they appear for the first time in the initialize{} section, and not at the top of the module like other global variables. In fact, they are implicitly declared at the global level. When an infopad is created in the initialize{} section, the infopad variable is automatically declared global, and only needs assigning to the new infopad. This explains why it does not appear like a variable declaration, but as a variable assignment, and uses the ":=" operator.
initialize {
myPad :=
    new infopad < cell{avg_time:int, name:int}>[10][1]("myPad");
Note: An infopad variable can be referred from another module. If the infopad myPad is declared in module M1, then it references it from module M2 of the same application, by using its module name as qualifier: M1::myPad. In case M1 and M2 belong to different applications, then qualify the reference in addition by the application name M1: App1::M1::myPad.