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BPM Events User's Guide
Administering and operating BPM Events : Troubleshooting cases : Fixing with recovery and partial rule upgrade

Fixing with recovery and partial rule upgrade

In this example, we want recovery from the previous state (infopads, etcetera) but still want some limited changes to the rules, so that the overall recovered state is still consistent with these changes.
Troubleshooting Scenario #3: To fix with recovery and partial rule upgrade.
1. Fix the problem (change and recompile the rule module).
2. Bring the server to a SUSPENDED state, with BPM Events Admin utility ("Suspend" command), so that it stops processing future faulty events.
3. Unload (or disable) the module to be replaced. Note that unload executes the finalize{} section of the module (and of imported modules).
4. Load the new rule module. Note that this executes the initialize{} section, so the state of any declared infopads are reinitialized.
5. Bring the server to a STARTED state, using the BPM Events Admin utility ("Resume" command), so that it starts processing events with the new rules.