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Single Sign-on for Business Process Server : Domain Management : Using the Domain Registry utility

Using the Domain Registry utility

Other than the default domain registry, the domains supported by Business Process Server can be specified in an encrypted domain registry file. At run time, the Business Process Server loads the domain registry file from the OpenEdge working directory $WRKDIR and allow connections only from users in the specified domains. You can create the domain registry file using the Generate Domain Registry gendomreg.bat utility, which is located in the OpenEdge installation directory $DLC\bin.
Note: At run time, if the domain registry file is not found, then the default BPM domain registry is used to ensure that the specified domain is defined in the domain registry.
To use the Generate Domain Registry tool:
1. Create a list of allowed domain names and their corresponding access codes in a Comma Separated Value (CSV) text file. Each domain and its access code must be specified on a separate line, with the domain name and access code separated by a comma.
The following is an example of a CSV file:
; This is a BPM domain registry CSV file
; lines that start with a ; are comments
; since this registry supersedes the default registry
bpm , oebpm
oedom1 , dac1
oedom2 , dac2
Note: The above example illustrates that there are two domains added to domain registry in addition to the default bpm domain.
2. Save the Comma Separate Value file. For example, save the CSV file with the name as bpm_domain_registry.csv.
3. From proenv prompt, run the Generate Domain Registry tool to generate an encrypted domain registry file.
For example, generate the encrypted domain registry file as bpm_domain_registry.bin.
a. Click Start > Programs > Progress > Proenv. The proenv command prompt opens.
b. Type the following and then press ENTER:
proenv>gendomreg bpm_domain_registry.csv bpm_domain_registry.bin
4. Copy the generated domain registry file into the OpenEdge working directory ($WRKDIR):
proenv>copy bpm_domain_registry.bin <working_directory_path>\BPMDomainRegistry.bin
Note: As per step 4, you must copy the domain registry file with the name BPMDomainRegistry.bin. At run time, the Business Process Server loads the BPMDomainRegistry.bin file from your working directory and allows connections only from users in the specified domains.