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Customization Guide
Customizing password security : PasswordSecurityService


The table below lists the parameters and their functions in password security service.

Method- Password Security Service

Table 8. Method- Password Security Service
isDueForChange(String userName, int userType, long lastModifiedTime)
Checks if the password of the specified user, which was last modified on the specified time, is due for change. The life of a password is determined by the type of the user.
isDueForNotify(String userName, long lastModifiedTime)
Checks if the time to notify the user about the password expiration is reached.
Returns the password security data object stored within this service.
Checks if policy to change the password at first login is enabled.
canLockoutAccount(int incorrectCount)
Returns true if the maximum allowed wrong tries is less than or equal to the specified incorrect attempts count.
canUnlockAccount(long lockoutTime)
Returns true if the specified lockout time is greater than or equal to defined lockout duration. The specified value is the time elapsed after the account was locked.
validatePassword(String password)
Validates the specified password against the defined password policies and rules.
validatePassword(String password, List<String> history)
Validates the specified password against the defined password policies and rules. The password specified should be different from the passwords specified in the history.
getPasswordStrength(String password)
Returns the strength of the specified password. The password strength is the measurement of the effectiveness of a password as an authentication credential.
isWeakPassword(String password):
Returns true if the specified password does not meet the required safety and strength policies.