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Customizing password security : Password security framework interfaces

Password security framework interfaces

The following sections describe the Interface Class Definitions for IPasswordSecurityData, IPasswordRule and IPasswordSecurityService.


import java.util.List;
 * Defines the contract for password security data, providing methods
 * for getting details of password policy and rules.
public interface IPasswordSecurityData {
   public static final int SYSTEM_PASSWORD = 1;
   public static final int USER_PASSWORD = 2;
   public static final int GUEST_PASSWORD = 3;
     * Checks if policy to change the password at first login is enabled.
     * @return true if this policy is enabled; false otherwise.
   public boolean isChangeAtFirstLogin();
     * Checks if password longevity is enabled.
     * @return true if password expires after no. of days returned by getLongevity(type)
     * @return false if password never expires
   public boolean isLongevityEnabled();
     * Returns the life (in days) of the specified password type.
     * The valid password types are:<br>
     * <ul>
     * <li> {@link IPasswordSecurityData#SYSTEM_PASSWORD}
     * <li> {@link IPasswordSecurityData#USER_PASSWORD}
     * <li> {@link IPasswordSecurityData#GUEST_PASSWORD}
     * </ul>
     * @param type - One of the valid password type.
     * @return Life (in days) of the specified password type
   public int getLongevity(int type);
     * Checks if policy to lockout an account is enabled.
     * @return true if this policy is enabled; false otherwise.
   public boolean isAccountLockoutEnabled();
     * Returns the maximum wrong login attempts allowed before the account
     * is locked.
     * @return Maximum wrong login attempts allowed.
     public int getMaxLoginAttempts();
     * The duration (in hours) after which a locked account will be unlocked.
     * @return Duration (in hours) after which a locked account will be
     * unlocked.
     public int getLockoutDuration();
     * Checks if policy to notify the user about the password expiration
     * is enabled.
     * @return true if this policy is enabled; false otherwise.
   public boolean isNotifyEnabled();
     * Returns the days before password expiration notification is to be send.
     * @return Days before password expiration notification is to be send.
     public int getNotifyBeforeExpiration();
     * Checks if policy to validate a new password against previously provided
     * passwords in history, is enabled.
     * @return true if this policy is enabled; false otherwise.
     public boolean isHistoryEnabled();
     * Returns the number of previous passwords to be stored. Any new
     * password created must be different from the stored old passwords.
     * @return The number of previous passwords to be stored.
  public int getHistoryCount();
     * Returns password hints (questions) which aids the user to recollect
     * a forgot password.
     * @return Hints to aid the user to recollect a forgot password.
     public List<String> getPasswordHints();
     * Returns the password rules object containing all the password rules.
     * This is used to validate a new password.
     * @return Password rule object (null if no rule is defined)
     public IPasswordRule getPasswordRule();


import java.util.List;
 * Defines the contract for different services provide to verify and
 * validate the password is compliant with the policy and rules.
public interface IPasswordSecurityService {
     * Returns the password security data object stored within this service.
     * @return IPasswordSecurityData - Password security data object.
     public IPasswordSecurityData getPasswordSecurity();
     * Checks if policy to change the password at first login is enabled.
     * @return true if this policy is enabled; false otherwise.
     public boolean isChangeAtFirstLoginEnabled();
     * Checks if the password of the specified user, which was last modified
     * on the specified time is due for change. The life of a password is
     * determined by the type of the user.
     * The valid user types are:<br>
     * <ul>
     * <li> {@link IPasswordSecurityData#SYSTEM_PASSWORD}
     * <li> {@link IPasswordSecurityData#USER_PASSWORD}
     * <li> {@link IPasswordSecurityData#GUEST_PASSWORD}
     * </ul>
     * @return true if password is due for change; false otherwise
     public boolean isDueForChange(String userName, int userType,
long lastModifiedTime);
     * Checks if the time to notify the user about the password expiration
     * is reached. It is calculated using:
     * <ul>
     * <li>The life of the Password i.e. Days after password expiration happens.
     * <li>Last modified time of password.
     * <li>Days before expiration, notification is to be send.
     * </ul>
     * @return true if password is due for notify; false otherwise
     public boolean isDueForNotify(String userName, long lastModifiedTime);
     * Returns true if the maximum allowed wrong tries is less than or equal to
     * the specified incorrect attempts count.
     * @return true if the account can be locked; false otherwise
     public boolean canLockoutAccount(int incorrectCount);
     * Returns true if the specified lockout time is greater than or equal
     * to defined lockout duration. The specified value is the time elapsed
     * after the account was locked
     * @return true if the account can be unlocked; false otherwise
     public boolean canUnlockAccount(long lockoutTime);
     * Validates the specified password against the defined password policies
     * and rules.
     * @param password - Password (Such that it is not null and not empty).
     * @throws RuntimeException
     * <ul>
     * <li>If the specified password is null or empty.
     * <li>If the specified password is also part of the password history.
     * </ul>
     public void validatePassword(String password);
     * Validates the specified password against the defined password policies and
     * rules. The password specified should be different from the passwords
     * specified in the history.
     * @param password - Password (Such that it is not null and not empty).
     * @param history - Password history (Ignored if null or empty)
     * @throws RuntimeException - If the specified password is null or empty
     public void validatePassword(String password, List<String> history);
     * Returns the strength of the specified password. The password strength
     * is the measurement of the effectiveness of a password as an
     * authentication credential.
     * @param password - Password (Such that it is not null and not empty).
     * @return - The strength of the password
     * @throws RuntimeException - If the specified password is null or empty
     public int getPasswordStrength(String password);
     * Returns true if the specified password does not meet the required
     * safety and strength policies.
     * @param password - Password (Such that it is not null and not empty).
     * @return - true if the password is weak; false otherwise
     * @throws RuntimeException - If the specified password is null or empty
     public boolean isWeakPassword(String password);


 * Defines the contract for password rules. This provides methods for
 * validating a password against defined rules. The rule is part of
 * the password security data can be retrieved using IPasswordSecurityData.
public interface IPasswordRule {
     * Validates the specified password against the defined password rules.
     * @param password - Password (Such that it is not null and not empty).
     * @throws RuntimeException - If the specified password is null or empty
     public void validate(String password);
     * Returns the description of the rules that will be applied on the
     * password.
     * @return Description of the rules
     public String getHelp();