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Clustering Guide
BusinessManager server commands for cluster : BP Server : Starting BP Server instances

Starting BP Server instances

To start BP Server
*Start BP Server from one of the nodes in a cluster as follows:
startBPServer.cmd/sh -nc <number of ejb nodes in cluster>
The above command starts the BP Server on all instances in the cluster. It also starts the BizStore, Emailer, MConsole, CheckDue, ResumeWS, and Session services. Use this command only if you want to start all the servers in a cluster.
Use the following commands to start one or several of all the servers.
Assume a cluster with three nodes. One node in the cluster is shut down or crashes. After the node is restarted, use the following command to start only the BP Server on that node:
addBPServerNodes –u ebms -p admin -nc 1,
where 1 indicates the number of nodes to restart.
If you must restart two nodes, then use:
addBPServerNodes –u admin -p ebms -nc 2.
If a node has crashed or a new node is added, then invoke the following command for EventPublisher:
If you see a warning message indicating that the EventPublisher is already started, then you can ignore it.