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Clustering Guide
Adding a node to an existing cluster : Adding a node to an existing JBoss cluster : Prerequisites


Before adding a node to an existing cluster:
1. Ensure that existing cluster node configurations are not changed. For example, if your existing node names are ejbnode1, ejbnode2, webnode1, and webnode2 you must not change this name or any details of these nodes. You can name the new nodes similar to the existing nodes, such as ejbnode3, webnode3, etc.
2. Ensure that the new node name must not conflict with the existing node names.
3. Stop BPM servers in the existing cluster.
4. Stop all JBoss cluster servers, that is, EJB cluster and Web cluster before adding new node to the cluster.
5. Create a backup of oebps-cluster.xml file in the <OEBPS_HOME>/cluster/conf folder. It contains existing cluster configuration details.