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Clustering Guide
Preface : Information on documentation

Information on documentation

This documentation includes information for the entire range of Progress OpenEdge Business Process Server users. In the following table, we recommend the guides that are most relevant to each type of user.
If you are the …
Read the …
Application User
Business Process Portal User’s Guide
First Steps Guide
Terminology Guide
Business Process Portal Manager’s Guide
Business Process Portal User’s Guide
Terminology Guide
Application Developer
Application Developer’s Guide
BP Server Developer’s Guide
BPM Events User’s Guide
Business Process Portal Manager’s Guide
Business Process Portal User’s Guide
OpenEdge Getting Started: Developing BPM Applications with Developer Studio
Customization Guide
Managed Adapters Guide
First Steps Guide
Terminology Guide
Server Administrator’s Guide
Web services Developer’s Guide
Business Process Server Administrator
BPM Events User’s Guide
Business Process Portal Administrator’s Guide
Business Process Portal Manager’s Guide
Business Process Portal User’s Guide
OpenEdge Getting Started: Installation and Configuration Guide
Managed Adapters Guide
Terminology Guide
Server Administrator’s Guide
Troubleshooting Guide for Administrators
For the latest Business Process Server documentation updates, see OpenEdge Product Documentation on PSDN (