Workstep properties in OpenEdge
Atomic workstep properties include one additional property, Exclude Performer List .
The following examples show how the <ExcludePerformers> tag can be used to write this value in process template XML.
Performer User
<AtomicWS name="Approve" Name="Approve">
<Performer name="user1"/>
<Performer name="user3"/>
<PerformerOf name="ws1"/>
Performer of Workstep
<AtomicWS name="Approve" Name="Approve">
<Performer name="user1"/>
<Performer name="@ds1"/>
<PerformerOf name="ws1"/>
<PerformerOf name="ws3"/>
Performer EJB Applications
<AtomicWS name="Approve" Name="Approve">
<Performer name="jndi://$default/TestEJB?getPerformers"/>
Alternatively, each exclude performer can also be written with a separate <ExcludePerformer> tag value. The performer list contains only comma-separated values.