INTEGER dataslots
BP Server provides the following APIs for the INTEGER type of dataslot.
public java.lang.String getType()
You can use this API to get the String value of type of this INTEGER dataslot.
public java.math.BigDecimal getValue()
You can use this API to get the BigDecimal representation of this integer value.
public java.lang.String getStringValue()
You can use this API to get the string representation of this integer value.
public int getPrecision()
You can use this API to get the precision in integer format.
public int getScale()
You can use this API to get the scale in integer format.
public void add (java.lang.String sdv)
You can use this API to add string value to this integer value.
public void add (long dv, int scale)
You can use this API to add value to this number, where value is given in long and scale in integer format.
public void multiply (java.lang.String sdv)
You can use this API to multiply the value in string format to this INTEGER dataslot.
public int compareTo (java.lang.String sdv)
You can use this API to compare the string value with this INTEGER dataslot.