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BP Server Developer's Guide
Work item management : Getting work items from other classes : Getting work items from BP Server

Getting work items from BP Server

*public WorkItem getWorkItem(Session session, long wiid)
Returns WorkItem object corresponding to the WorkItem ID. The WorkItem object thus obtained, can be used to invoke work item related APIs.
*public WorkItem getWorkItem (Session session, String wiName)
Returns WorkItem object corresponding to the name of the work item. This API is deprecated and is available for backward compatibility only.
*public WorkItemList getAssignedWorkItemList(Session session, String user)
The performer is assigned with various tasks, which must be completed within the estimated time. The list of work items specific to a particular user can be obtained with the help of this API.
The list thus obtained can be iterated to get the individual WorkItem object. This object can be used to get and manipulate the work item information.
*public WorkItemList getAssignedWorkItemListRO(Session session, String user)
Returns Assigned WorkItemList object for a user in read-only transaction mode. The WorkItem object obtained from the list can invoke the API to get the work item information. This information is read-only and any manipulations or modification on this object cannot be done.
*public WorkItemList getAvailableWorkItemList(Session session, String user)
The performer can have Available as well as Assigned work items in the task list. This API finds its use in retrieving all the Available (not Assigned) work items for a particular user.
*public WorkItemList getAvailableWorkItemListRO(Session session, String user)
Returns Available (not Assigned) WorkItemList object for a particular user in read-only transaction mode. The object thus obtained can only be used to get the information. This information is read-only, and any manipulations or modification on this object cannot be done.
*public WorkItemList getWorkItemList(Session session)
Returns both, Assigned and Available work item list object for a session.
*public WorkItemList getWorkItemListRO(Session session)
Returns both, Assigned and Available work item list objects in read-only transaction mode for a session. The API enables you to view the complete task list of all the users in a session.
*public WorkItemList getWorkItemList(Session session, String user)
Returns both, Assigned and Available WorkItemList object for a particular user. When the work items of a specific user are required, this API can be used.
*public WorkItemList getWorkItemListRO(Session session, String user)
Returns both, Assigned and Available WorkItemList object for a particular user in read-only transaction mode.