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BP Server Developer's Guide
JMS based event publisher : Event filters

Event filters

The EventPublisher provides ANDFilter as the default filter. You can override this option for all event channels by specifying a new Filter class. You can also specify a different filter class for each channel. Note that all filter classes should implement the Filter interface.
The ANDFilter requires that all filter conditions specified for an event channel must be true. If any one of the filter conditions is evaluated to false, then the event does not publish to that JMS destination.
The default ANDFilter class is specified in the property file as shown below:
publisher.default.filter.class= com.savvion.sbm.eventpublisher.filter.ANDFilter
When filter conditions are not specified for an event channel, the Event Publisher invokes the default filter class to validate an input event. When filter conditions and filter class name are specified for an event channel, the Event Publisher uses only the specified filter class for the channel.
* Prefilter conditions
* Prefilter conditions on event context data
* Post-filter conditions